About us

About us

The Croatian Air Pollution Prevention Association (CAPPA) is a volunteer and non-profit association that gathers persons and legal entities based in the Republic of Croatia with the aim of protecting and promoting common professional interests in the field of air pollution protection. CAPPA’s beginnings go back to the founding of the Yugoslav Air Protection Society in 1973 in Zagreb, following an initiative of Croatian experts, whereas its headquarters were in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Following the dissolution of Yugoslavia, from 1991 the Croatian component of the Society began functioning as an independent body. In 1993, the Croatian Air Protection Society changed its name to the one it bears today – the Croatian Air Pollution Prevention Association. The year before, Croatia became an independent country and a full member of the United Nations, whereas CAPPA joined the International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA) at the World Congress in Montreal. The European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations (EFCA) was founded in 1997 and CAPPA has been its member since 1998. Ever since it was founded, CAPPA organized numerous professional meetings all over Croatia. In 1997, we introduced the first national meeting on air protection and since then, it has been held every two years. Together with IUAPPA, CAPPA also organized the 14th International Conference Air Quality – Assessment and Policy at Local, Regional and Global Scales@ in 2003 in Dubrovnik. The Association also organizes bi-annual professional seminars held abroad. Member of the EFCA: https://efca.net/ Member of IUAPPA: http://www.iuappa.org/ 1993. godine Dru?tvo za za?titu zraka Hrvatske promijenilo je svoj naziv u ime koje nosi i danas – Croatian Air Pollution Prevention Association. Hrvatska je 1992. godine postala samostalna dr?ava, primljena je u Ujedinjene nacije, a iste godine Hrvatsko udru?enje za za?titu zraka na svjetskom kongresu u Montrealu, Kanada, primljeno je u Internacionalnu uniju za za?titu zraka (IUAPPA) kao punopravan ?lan. Europska federacija za ?isti zrak (EFCA) osnovana je 1997. godine, a na?e Udru?enje ?lan je EFCA od 1998. godine. Udru?enje je u tijekom svog rada organiziralo brojne stru?ne sastanke u raznim gradovima Hrvatske. 1997. godine organiziralo je prvi nacionalni skup o za?titi zraka te se od tada skup redovito odr?ava svake dvije godine. Zajedno s IUAPPA-om HUZZ je bio i organizitor me?unarodnog skupa ?The 14th International Conference Air Quality – Assessment and Policy at Local, Regional and Global Scales@ u Dubrovniku 2003. godine. Tako?er, svake druge godine Udru?enje organizira stru?ni seminar u inozemstvu.

?lanica EFCA: https://efca.net/

?lanica IUAPPA: http://www.iuappa.org/

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